Daisy Edens Bean of Lodi, California, a 14-year-old girl has been reported missing. The smart girl who was given birth on February 1, 2010, has been missing from home since Friday, October 2 at 1:30pm. She has a heigt of 5 feet 5 inches tall.She also has brown hair, and brown eyes. According to reports, she left her kitten, “Millie Bobbie Brown” who walks on a leash.
Pease if you any information, please call the Lodi PD Officer Fehn on 209-333-6727.
“This is Daisy bean she ran away from home. she is Gary Erwin’s granddaughter. please share this with everyone you know and get this picture out there. this is new photos of her.” _Julie Erwin
“Prayers for the safe return of Daisy Bean! I’ve gotten to know her and her mom Annie, through helping out with our Middle school group at GracePoint!
Please share and pass the word along! Let’s get her home!” _JohnMark VanNess